Welcome to the Hello Kitty Fun Stuff Website!
About the Hello Kitty Website

There's also a spot where you can download free Hello Kitty screensavers so she can jump around on your desktop computer.
You can play free online Hello Kitty flash games, we have a lot of choices. Like Hello Kitty's Sunny Day Game, Hello Kitty game; Sanrio's Jewels, Hello Kitty game; Bee's in my garden and more! So have a lot of fun in the Hello Kitty games section!
Readmore about the Hello Kitty tv show and the episodes. On the Hellokitty movies & Video page you can watch online Hello kitty movies.

You will also find Hello Kitty coloring pages, where you can color Hello Kitty and her friends, you can simply download the printable Hello Kitty color pictures you want and print it out. So you can make your very own Hello Kitty coloring book with the great sheets we have to offer.
There are also lot of Hello Kitty items you can watch andsee. Like where to get the best Hello Kitty dvd's, booksand games . Or read about your favorite Hello Kitty episodeand all Hello Kitty's friends!
Hello Kitty Fun Stuff website updates and news:
We've updated the site so it is wider and better viewable. |
Added a new Facebook Like and +1 option in the top of the site. |
There are 50 new Hello Kitty wallpapers to download.A total of 120 Hello Kitty Wallpapers! Check out HelloKitty Wallpapers page 1 and HelloKitty Wallpapers page 2. |
A whole Episode from the Hello Kitty TVshow is now avaible. Hello Kitty - A Story BookAdventure, you can watch the adventurehere. We also made another HelloKitty Store page with more special Hello Kittyitems you can buy to finish your collection. |
Hello Kitty News
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AboutHello Kitty
Hello Kitty was born on November 1st 1974,in suburban London, England. Hello Kitty is very energetic and loves to play outdoors,in the park or forest. But you can also find her happilypracticing on the piano or baking a cake, too!
Hello Kitty lives in London,England with her mother, Mary, dad,George, and twin sister Mimmy. HelloKitty is curious whereas Mimmy isshy.
Hello Kitty symbolizes generosity, innocence, kindnessand most importantly... friendship.
Hello Kitty's friends are Cathy, Tippy, Joey, Jodie,Fifi, Tracy, Tiny Chum, Rory, Mory, Tim and Tommy. BothHello Kitty and Mimi are in 3rd grade. They have manyfriends at school and, together, they share many adventures.When school's out Hello Kitty travels the world makingnew friends.
Hello Kitty's generosity and kindness endear her toeveryone she meets. Hello Kitty's favorite thing is dotea parties and her hobbies include music, reading, eatingthe cookies her mother bakes, and best of all makingnew friends. Like she says "You can never have toomany friends."
Hello Kitty weighs the same as 3 apples.